Water is the substance of Life, without which we cannot live but a few days. I love the rain, I don't see it as a depressing thing like some people, but it makes me say 'God loves me' just about every time. I'm not so much into the cold - snow or ice. I love the ocean, swimming in the waves, even if I rarely get the chance. I love waterfalls, clean running water especially. Someday I'm gonna learn to fish...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spiritual things

Whether you believe in God or some other god or none at all... you are somehow affected by your belief even then.  How do you explain that?  How do you explain the differences in people spiritually?  How do you even begin to describe what is spiritual? Or do you just ignore it?  Or do you not see it at all?

I'm really curious, because even as a child I was spiritually aware.  It had nothing to do with my upbringing I'm sure... I wasn't old enough to talk yet.  And what about my 3 year old son?  Was he somehow lying when he saw an apparition?  His behavior was obvious, his fear was very real, quite tangible.  With one parent Christian and one Muslim, was he somehow spiritually biased? psychologically messed up? Not at all.  

But then psychology is accepted... just not faith.  It is very interesting to me that science can somehow compensate for the psyche... but not for the spirit.  My spiritual experiences have not been one-sided.  They've been both good and evil, love-filled and fear-filled. It's not like I'm a PR person for heaven or hell.  Faith is regarded by some as just a messed up psyche... they're probably trying to find a drug or cure now for hopeless Christianity... then again, there's the same attitude toward ME-CFS which is a severe illness that has no bias whatsoever toward what faith a person is.

What they don't realize is that every person judges the other by their own standards.  This is true for the Christian and for the Atheist, as well as everyone else.  The Science community is not behaving any better than the Christian community, they are actually doing the same thing they judge Christians for.  We need to admit, if we are Christians, that we have made mistakes and not be afraid to say so.  Sometimes it's hard to do that when you're already being put down so much.  

We all need to be aware that none of us are the measuring stick for anything.  As Christians we cannot compromise our belief, and this is where the problem comes in.  Even though the Scientific community will not compromise their beliefs either, they don't call it holding on to faith, they call it holding on to fact.  In fact, many of their so-called facts are not facts at all... but that doesn't make them faith... so what does it make them?... hmmm

At any rate, my point is that the Scientific community needs to see that they have as much a 'holier than thou' attitude as any religious person has ever had; the Christian community needs to be reminded that we are not the measuring stick, God is. As good little ants, we need to keep in rank and just move along minding our own business.  Too many Christians are out of line & out of rank.  The Scientific community should also admit their mistakes, and stop targeting people they don't happen to understand.